Sobre este blog: Enero de 2024.

Tiene 7 años de que publiqué una entrada en este "Blog". No puedo garantizar que volveré a escribir aquí de manera regular, pero vale la pena mantener este sitio como un testigo de comentarios históricos y sobre todo, incómodos. Debe entenderse que no sostengo ya muchas de las perspectivas vertidas entre notas compartidas, ensayos y comentarios que aquí se pueden encontrar. Aunque tampoco es que haya dado un giro de 180°, algunas de mis opiniones hoy en día me parecen estúpidas, así que sirva esto como descarga de responsabilidad por todo lo que aquí se puede encontrar. Advertidos estéis todos.

Regreso al Blog// Comentario sobre fanatismo pro-estadounidense/capitalismo

Tras años de no entrar siquiera a este blog, presento un comentario demasiado largo (nada extraordinario en mi caso, lo sé) que escribí en respuesta a la siguiente entrada de un amigo que está estudiando en Chicago. Perdondad el inglés...
This is a long continuation of my previous comment on Iran and Venezuela. But, here's another reason why I dislike religious people and more over communists. So apparently, North Korea has threaten US and South Korea of a nuclear attack. What's wrong with these two type of people!!!? Specially, those "leaders" like Kim, Mahmud , Chavez, Putin should be compared to Hitler, not to a saint like Mahmud dared to say. They just enhance people to be so attached to their beliefs that they stop thinking rationally. Here's why I say this. This is a comment of the NYTimes of a person from NK (impressive he had access to the internet):
"The awesome power of our great nation will shake the earth, the framework of the imperialist takeover will crumble before our invincible armies. The great leader will show us the way to victory of tyrants and the United States and their dastardly schemes will be utterly destroyed. Hail Kim Jong un forever and Glory to our Eternal president Kim il Sung!"
Huh! WTF!!! Although I respect both, I do believe that 1. Communism has been proven wrong, (Russians trying to get out of the USSR, Chinese people migrating to the US, etc) 2. Religion embraces intolerance and blinds people with fake hopes. (Sarcasm, for those that don't get it) To all of those that believe in resurrection: Come and join Kim, Mahmud, Putin,etc before the WW3 begins and you will resurrect after the world is over!!! XD
Making communism a religion is as harmful as any socially oriented posture when radicalized, but it may offer less long term issues for the most of the world scale population and ecology than capitalism and "free market", for example. 
On the other side, you have to put things in the context they are being made, in this case, you know US has been accusing (as if it were to have any right to do so) North Korea of being a danger for the world and specially South Korea, besides of all the black propaganda against and which hasn't stopped since cold war. US and South Korea (and Japan) has been making joint military maneuvers as a kind of threat against North Korea, and pretty much similar declarations from South Korean diplomats has been made against North Korea, supported by American claims and injurious accusations. And that's pretty much the same for most of the cases you mention. 
Something you must understand is that the things you are aware of, specially being in the US, are mainly the things US leaders (not only government) want you to know. Take in mind that in their (and most of worldwide) press claims against their interests are always highlighted and demonized, and their postures and claims are always worshipped by their supposed justified and reasoned posture, taken always from their perspective and the same information they let to be known, which is not necessarily true nor complete. This way, they crate also a fanatic and highly irrational level of support from their nationals and also from foreign people which is always supportive of their ideology and refuse to accept it's flaws or deprecate them, so they don't notice the supposed to be freedom is just an illusion. And even more so their supposed rationality and justice. It's a "hidden" way of fanatism, even more dangerous than any other as most of the people which supports it isn't even aware of it. They let people to see how bad are all the ones who doesn't like their scheme and how evil and dangerous are those who achieve getting out of it and successfully confront them, and to see how good and well justified are their postures and actions. And they never, ever let you to even consider any ideology besides capitalism to be 'feasible' as if it were a scientific truth (which don't, as if such thing existed). 
They make you believe their commercially supported campaigns made out a "democracy", while it just constitutes the dictatorship of commercial and financial psychopaths which control the world market and media. 
So, be self - consistent and don't let them fool you, and make their dirty job in your name. You may owe them a lot but that will never be enough to make them own your reason. Be a critic, don't just repeat what they already have said thousand or million times. It's not about knowing everything about something in special (like international politics and Korean history and diplomacy), but to take in account EVERYTHING you get to know comes from someone who is telling you that as they want to tell you and because they want you to know that in the way they make you know it, and ask yourself besides the "what?" also the "who says?" and "why does he tells me that?". They can take a random commentary on the net and make it sound radical and stupid and make it an official "proof" of the fanatism and fault of reasoning and liberty of thinking in Korea and it won't take too much for someone to say "Oh, it's true, all those anti Americans are crazy and are fanatics, kill the communists!" 
Now dare to say that's not being fool and fanatic. 


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Política II: Parte Histórica

Sobre el aborto.